What is FaceArt? 

FaceArt is dedicated to contemporary fine art of all kinds (visual arts, art objects, ceramics and art jewelry). It is an international, interactive platform where artists, art creators and galleries can dispose and promote their artworks online. More than an online market, FaceArt is an online space which hosts the artists’ work while giving them the opportunity to connect with their audience. Artists can now be part of a bigger, artistic community in the Internet. 

Our goal 

FaceArt was created by people who have always been interested in the arts and amazed at how the creative process of one person is strong enough to make a big change in the world. Historically, art has had a huge impact in social changes on a local or global level. 

Today, the Internet has created the opportunity for artists to be seen and heard from anywhere around the planet and most artists are using it for their business to grow.

However, most of them are not seeing the results they expected. 

And we know why:  having a webpage or promoting your work on social media is not enough; Internet is like a different world and making the best out of it requires knowledge, skills and effort. Being part of the digital network seems daunting and complicated for many people who don’t know how the Internet works. 

But that’s where we can help: realizing how important art is today, we decided to create FaceArt in order to share our knowledge around digital marketing and online business  with artists. Our purpose is to help artists expand worldwide through the Internet and achieve their goals. 

What makes us different

  • We believe that all kinds of art are unique in their own way and therefore decided to put it all together in one place. We want to create an online community where every form of art has its place. 
  • For us, Art Jewelry in specific deserves more attention and its own position in the art market, along side visual arts and sculpture. We perceive Jewelry as a wearable form of art that can adorn a body while also carrying a message. It is portable, which means that the beauty and message of the artwork can be carried around and seen by anyone. It is not only about the artwork itself but also about the person who wears it; the communication between the two, how it reflects one’s personality by just touching the human body and then leading it to a different dimension.
  • We strongly believe that Art is the world’s language. FaceArt is an international platform because we want it to be spread and seen by anyone around the planet. 
  • However we also  understand the financial difficulties people around the world face in regards to their local economy. Therefore we created FaceArt to be budget friendly, so we can see every artist grow and succeed despite their origins or current location. 
  • Our Team is very experienced and run by professionals who know very well how the Internet works and are experts at online marketing. They combine that with great experience of traveling and understanding of cross cultural differences. 
  • Our support team members are well organized and will be at your disposal anytime.
  • We listen to our partners’ needs and we are constantly developing new tools to help artists and galleries achieve their goals and succeed. 

FaceArt is a multi-dimensional space

  • It is an open online art exhibition divided into artists and galleries
  • It is the Open Studio of each Artist - Creator
  • It is the retrospective exhibition of each Artist - Creator as well as the history of Galleries activities
  • It is the place where every Artist- Creator or Gallery can announce the events they organize or participate in
  • It is the site of interactive visitor and creator communication.
  • It also gives the possibility to create a personalized marketplace so that the purchase and sale of art is easy and effective.
  • There are multiple ways to collaborate with FaceArt that appeal to Galleries and Artists, covering all the needs of their online presentation as well as their financial capabilities.